WEL Presented Papers
Below is a list of Papers that WEL has prepared and presented recently at one of our speaking engagements. Click on the links to download a copy of the selected paper:
These papers are intended for the purposes of providing information only and are to be used only for the purposes of guidance and education. The information contained within is not intended to be relied upon as the giving of legal advice and does not purport to be exhaustive. WEL Partners.
"Capacity Proceedings", Osgoode PD, October 25, 2024, Kimberly Whaley
"Finding Missing Beneficiaries", October, 2024, Kimberly Whaley
"Dealing with Emotional and Grieving Clients", April 18, 2024, Kimberly Whaley
"Compensation and Passing of Accounts", April 2, 2024, Albert Oosterhoff
"Evaluating Costs Awards in Estate Litigation", Bryan Gilmartin, October 6, 2024
"Evaluating Costs Awards in Estate Litigation - Presentation", Bryan Gilmartin, October 6, 2022
"Ontario Police Seminar - Elder Abuse: Civil and Criminal Remedies", Kimberly Whaley, June 16, 2021
"Ontario Police Seminar - Elder Abuse: Civil and Criminal Remedies", Kimberly Whaley, June 16, 2021
"Social Media & Tech Implementation", Kimberly Whaley, June 1, 2021
"Powers of Attorney", Kimberly Whaley, February, 2020
"Will Challenges and Related Estate Claims", Kimberly Whaley, Updated January, 2019
"Elder Abuse: Civil vs. Criminal Remedies", Estate Planning Council of Toronto, November 6, 2018
"Predatory Marriages", STEP National Confeence, May 29, 2018, Kimberly Whaley & Albert Oosterhoff
"Predatory Marriages", Six Minute Estate Lawyer, May 3, 2018, Kimberly Whaley
"Hotchpot Clauses", Six Minute Estate Lawyer, May 3, 2018
"Toronto Police Seminar, Civil and Criminal Remedies, Elder Abuse", March 9, 2018
"Civil, Criminal and Equitable Remedies", Toronto Police Seminar, October 6, 2017, Kimberly Whaley
"Passing of Accounts / Fiduciary Accounts", Osgoode PD, February 9, 2017, Kimberly A. Whaley
"Police College Seminar: Elder Abuse Investigators Course", February 2, 2017, Kimberly A. Whaley
"Attacking and Defending Gifts", STEP Toronto October 19, 2016 Kimberly A. Whaley
"Competing Fiduciary Obligations", STEP Toronto Program, May 18, 2016, Albert H. Oosterhoff
"New Spouse/Old Money: Predatory Marriages", February 4, 2016, Kimberly Whaley
"Elder Financial Abuse", Ontario Police College Elder Abuse Conference, May 2015
"Attacking Inter Vivos Gifts: Why They May Stand Or Fail", April 2015
"Capacity and the Elder Real Estate Client – A Medico-Legal Perspective", April 2015
"Parent / Adult Child and Sibling Struggles", April 2015
"Overview of Decisional Capacity: Indicators, Red Flags, and Assessments", February 2015
"Guardianship – Dealing With Minors And Adults Under Disabilit"y, January 2015
"Why Mediation Works", November 2014
"Where There’s (Not) A Will: Intestacies, Partial Intestacies and Remedies", October 2014
"Predatory Marriages: Legal Capacity To Marry And The Estate Plan", October 2014
"Advising the Advisor", October 2014
"Overview of Decisional Capacity: Indicators, Red Flags and Assessments", September 2014
"Responsibility of Professionals in Identifying and Addressing Issues of Undue Influence", June 2014
"Predatory Marriages: Legal Capacity to Marry and the Estate Plan", May 2014
"Responsibility of Solicitors Concerning Undue Influence Issues", April 2014
"Spousal Claims Against the Estate and Other Claims Arising Out of Remarriage", February 2014
"Spousal Claims against Estates and Other Claims Arising out of Remarriages", November 2013
"Financial Abuse of the Older Adult: Are We Doing Enough?", October 2013
"The Other Side of the Coin: Personal Care and the Estate Lawyer", October 2013
"Statutory Protection of Older Adults in Canada: A Difficult Balance", October 2013
"Undue Influence Checklist: Estates and Related Matters", August 2013
"Comparing the Various Standards of Decisional Capacity", August 2013
"End of Life Decisions: What do Lawyers Owe Their Clients?", June 2013
"Capacity to Marry, Predatory Marriages and the Practice Tips", June 2013
"Limitation Periods in Estate and Trust Litigation", June 2013