Passing of Estate, Trustee, Attorney, Guardian & Fiduciary Accounts
Taking on the responsibility of a fiduciary is an onerous and challenging task and increasingly one which risks being less than fully compensable.
A fiduciary attracts scrutiny by virtue of the appointment itself. The role and responsibilities are further complicated by surrounding emotion, and often litigation commenced by those to whom the fiduciary is accountable.
The role demands trust, integrity and transparency and exposes one to professional and personal liability.
Increasingly, fiduciaries are asked to account informally and more formally before a court.
There are processes and procedures which are mandatory as well as guidelines for best practices. Keeping proper accounts and being in a position to formally account is critical.
WEL can help the fiduciary account, pass your accounts, prepare your accounts, defend your accounts and get your reasonable costs and compensation approved.
WEL Book: WEL on Fiduciary Accounting
WEL Blog post with link to paper: Fiduciary Accounts and court passings
This overview is intended for the purposes of providing information only and is to be used only for the purposes of guidance. This information is not intended to be relied upon as the giving of legal advice and does not purport to be exhaustive. Whaley Estate Litigation Partners.
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